Welcome to the 2025 Adult Outdoor Registration information Page.
Team registration for the 2025 Adult Outdoor Season will be open until Monday March 10. Player registration opens April 1.
Season Length:
Approximate start date: April 25
Approximate end date: August 10
There will be 15 regular league games followed by playoffs.
Coed legends will receive 10 games followed by playoffs.
If you are interested in registering a team but need assistance recruiting players please email adult@fcregina.com.
Please review:
FCR Adult League Policies and Procedures.
Click on the button below for program details:
Teams will have the opportunity to participate in playoffs which will be held at the end of the regular season. Format will be decided upon by FCR prior to the start of each season.
Playoff schedules will be released with the league schedules.
Team Placement Information
Teams will have the opportunity to appeal their division placement within the allotted time frame. Appealing the placement does not guarantee an alteration to the placement.
Team Withdrawal Penalties
More information regarding team forfeits and penalties can be found in the Adult League Policies and Procedures: 7.4 Team Penalties