Adult League Survey Results

Jan. 19, 2024

Dear FCR Adult Members, 

We are pleased to present the report from the June/July 2023 Adult League survey. 

In June FCR collaborated with the ALC (Adut League Commitee) to design a short survey for past and current adult league players.  The objective of the survey was to gather feedback and insights from the adult league.


The survey was open from June 21st to July 4th, 2023, and it was sent to 957 potential respondents and had 161 respondents which was a 16.8% response rate. 

We would like to thank the hard work and dedication of our Adult League Committee volunteers. 

If you have any questions about the results of the survey, please contact myself (ALC Chair) at or our Executive Director TJ Singh at


Subby Sidhu 

Adult League Committee Chair 

FC Regina 

PO Box 27088, RPO Avonhurst 

Regina, SK S4R 8R8 

Ph: 306 352 8040 


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