AffinityPlex Turf Rental Information
We are pleased to introduce Catch Corner by Sports Illustrated as our online partner for facility rentals.
We are currently getting our site ready and until it launches you can find field availability here:
Please click here for field availability.
Click below to access our Catch Corner by Sports Illustrated booking page:
If are looking to purchase multiple sessions (10% off for 10 sessions promo code) or if you have any questions or need assistance, please contact
It is your responsibility to read the FC Regina Cancellation Policy and the FCR Turf Use Policy prior to booking.
Field Rental Rates (per 1/4 field):
Field Rental Rates (per 1/2 field):
Field Dimensions:
1/4 field: 150 ft x 96 ft (50 yds x 32 yds)
1/2 field: 202 ft x 150 ft (67 yds x 50 yds)
Full field: 321 ft x 202 ft (107 yds x 67 yds)
Dressing rooms are included in your field rental by request