U17 Division 2 Program Information

Unlock Your Potential with U17 Division 2 Soccer!

Why Choose U17 Division 2 Soccer?

U17 Division 2 Soccer offers a supportive and competitive environment tailored for young athletes in their final year of youth soccer. Ideal for players seeking additional time and experience to fully develop their skills and confidence, this division ensures comprehensive growth and improvement.

Comprehensive Soccer Experience:

Skill Development: Hone your skills under a variety of competitive conditions, focusing on advancing basic techniques and tactical awareness.

Mental and Physical Growth: Build discipline, mental toughness, and physical fitness to prepare for the challenges of higher-level play.

Structured Training Schedule:

Our U17 teams practice once a week, providing ample time for skill development and team bonding.

Boys Training Sessions:

  • Thursday or Friday: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Game Days Weekends: Time TBD

Girls Training Sessions:

  • Wednesday: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Game Days: Time TBD

Each one-hour session ensures players stay engaged and active without feeling overwhelmed. Our experienced coaches cover various aspects of the game, including dribbling, passing, shooting, and basic tactical understanding, building a strong foundation of soccer skills while promoting teamwork and sportsmanship.

What are the 2024/25 Indoor U17 Division 2 Fees?

Please note FCR does not accept Personal Cheques. (Money Orders payable to FCR)

Program Details: (Game format and structure may be adjusted from half field to quarter field based on available roster numbers and the opportunity to create a suitable environment for development and competition, fees will be adjusted and refunded accordingly)

  • Team Format: 9 players per side, including a goalkeeper
  • Field Size: Half Field Pitch
  • Goal Size: Full Field Nets
  • Game Duration: Two 25-minute halves, with a 3-5 minute half-time intermission

Program Benefits:

  • Supportive Environment: Perfect for athletes who need additional time to develop their skills.
  • Advancing Techniques: Learn and advancing soccer skills.
  • Tactical Awareness: Develop a deeper understanding of game strategies and tactics.
  • Physical Conditioning: Enhance endurance and overall fitness.
  • Mental Toughness: Build resilience and discipline, essential for competitive play.
  • Team Bonding: Benefit from twice-weekly practices that promote team synergy.
  • Experienced Coaching: Enjoy expert coaching focused on comprehensive player development.

Join U17 Division 2 Soccer Today!

Prepare for the next level of soccer in a supportive and competitive environment. Register now for U17 Division 2 Soccer and unlock your full potential!

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